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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Sweet little website about sweet little things...and a little rant

Eadie over at Atlantic Pacific ( ) tweeted about this lovely lovely website :) If you look through it daily if not weekly, surely it can help you not over-stress about the things going on right now and just be thankful for the things that can make you feel amazing whatever mood you were originally in. Today i have had a horrible morning and i am so thankful for my lovely boyfriend to call me to calm me down and help me and also my sister to help me too. Then after a long train journey sat on the floor squished up with my bags and suitcase, getting home and having a cuddle from my mum was comforting.

This website does help me smile. I've felt quite low lately for some reasons i understand and some I just can't put my finger on. And although my boyfriend is lovely and mostly understanding I still feel terrible for my emotional outbursts of tears every now and then.And it's not fair. I need to get a grip of these times and not get tearful from the slightest remark or thought anymore.I have to make the most of life and not worry, fuss and be afraid so much. It won't happen quickly I know, but still, I have very good people around me now and I know that now I am finally free from uni, I have to;
  • get a job, 
  • save up for travels,lots of outings and special times with my boy, 
  • organise my time smartly,
  • try to see my friends and family as much as i can,
  • learn a language if possible, 
  • and then get out of England... Australia, Japan, Canada, China, some places in America.. EVERYWHERE!
...and soooo much more.. (maybe even get our own place..? :s oh Universe pleeease be nice to us, please oh please oh please...we don't deserve anymore sadness)

But yes i am recommending this website because it is sweet and simple* :)

Be happy people. Take care.

*...just like life isn't . But maybe one day *smile*